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The Full Story
The events on this page allow Cursillistas to put their name on a list to be considered for the Rollo Team or the Service Team. Before adding your name to the list, it is important to understand how the teams are put together and that filling out the forms on this page does not mean immediately that you are on the Rollo Team or Service Team.
How are the teams assembled?
The Lay Director selects a Rector and Service Team Coordinator for each weekend.
The Rector and Service Team Coordinator draw from those who have expressed interest in serving (using these forms).
Even though there may be more volunteers than spaces on the teams, everyone on the list will be notified once the team members are finalized.
Everyone that works on the retreat is asked to consider making a donation similar to what we ask of the candidates to cover the cost of the retreat.
Expectations of Rollo Team members:
Attend Ultreya and weekly team meetings (usually 3-5 months before the retreat).
Read and understand each talk in the manual and the guidance provided around how to prepare the talk.
Allow the Rollo Team to provide you feedback about the talk and accept it with a sense of self surrender and humility.
Team members should be generally following the Cursillo method of Group Reunion, Ultreya, and School of Leaders.
Expectations of Service Team members:
Attend Ultreya prior to and after the weekend.
Read the service team manual prior to the weekend.
Arrive early on Thursday, usulally 2pm-3pm, to set up the campsite.
Stay each night at the campsite.
During the weekend, continuously read your manual to ensure all tasks are covered and completed.
Stay after the closing to help the 3day chair team pack all materials in appropriate bins and store in the closet.
Team members should be generally following the Cursillo method of Group Reunion, Ultreya, and School of Leaders.